

【対面参加者お土産付き・オンライン参加可】(3/3(日) 14:00~16:30) HBMSアジア大学連携講座 「中小企業SDGs 経営成功への途」 [HBMS event with simultaneous interpretation, English and Japanese] SMEs in Southeast Asia : Pathway to Sustainable branding on SME (March 3rd 14:00-16:30)

概要(Event Overview)

HBMS(Hiroshima Business and Management School)では毎年、海外協定校等との協力の下、「アジア大学連携講座」を開催し、「Global SMEs in Southeast Asia」(東南アジアにおけるSMEs※)の先端事例について議論を重ねていきます。第3回目となる今回は、”中小企業SDGs 経営成功への途”と題し、中小企業における持続可能なブランド構築に焦点を当てます。今回来日するベトナム、マレーシア、タイの先生方からの各国の最新事例を用いた講義のあと、パネルディスカッションを通じて、中小企業が今後、どのようにブランド戦略のかじ取りを行っていくべきかを議論していきます。(※SMEs: Small and Medium-sized Enterprisesの略で中小ビジネスを指す。)



HBMS (Hiroshima Business and Management School) will host a global collaborative event entitled “Global SMEs in Southeast Asia” to discuss the latest business cases by inviting 3 speakers from universities and institutions in Southeast Asia. The 3rd session to be held on March 3rd, 2024, aligning among Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Japan, would be focused on “Sustainable branding on SME”. We will explore a possible future direction of SME’s branding strategy through sharing the latest cases in each country followed by a panel discussion. (* SMEs: Small and Medium-sized Enterprises)

This event would be conducted both by face-to-face and live-stream on Zoom. Simultaneous interpretations in English and Japanese are available, both in the environment of face-to-face (using headset) and zoom.

In addition, the first 30 face-to-face participants who visit the exhibition will receive a set of two “Dorayaki” (Japanese confectionery made from azuki beans) produced  by TORAYAHONPO !

開催場所・開催方法(The date and time)


Date & time: 14:00~16:30(Japan time), March 3rd  Sunday, 2024


Face-to-Face / Live-streaming on Zoom

会場(Venue) : 対面又はオンライン (face to face or Zoom)

叡啓大学 602/603講義室(〒730-0016 広島市中区幟町1-5) アクセスはこちら   又は Zoom

Lecture Hall 602/603 at Eikei University (1-5, Nobori-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima 730-0016, Japan)  Access to Eikei University  click here    or  via Zoom

対象者(Expected participants)

・Anyone who is interested in the topic, global business and international development, studying in business schools

参加費(Participation fee)

無料(Free of Charge)

定員(The audience to be admitted)

対面 30名(face-to-face: 30 people )
Zoom 100名 (Zoom: 100 people)

申込方法(How to apply)


- How to apply: please fill out application form from below link (for English form, enter from 2nd link button) by March 1st. HBMS will send Zoom registration information by the day of the event, to the registered email address.

Application form (English form here)

イベント詳細(Contents details)

〔司会〕県立広島大学大学院経営管理研究科 講師 礒貝 日月

  [MC] Mr. Hizuki Isogai, Lecturer at Prefectural University of Hiroshima Graduate School of Business Administration (HBMS)


【パートI】 プレゼンテーション・特別講義 (14:10~15:30)

[Part-I Presentation & Special lectures]


・Presentations and Special lecture from 4 speakers, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Japan.

プレゼンテーション①:ヌール・シャナーズ (マラヤ大学 ビジネス・経済学部 ファイナンス学科 准教授)

プレゼンテーション②:ホー・チー・ズン (デオカグループ取締役会長補佐)

プレゼンテーション③:ポンタナラート・クリティニー(ケット) (チュラロンコン大学 チュラロンコンビジネススクール 非常勤講師)

特別講義:青木 茂樹(駒澤大学経営学部市場戦略学科)

Presentation-1 : Dr. Nurul Shahnaz Ahmad Mahdzan, Assoc. Prof.,  Department of Finance, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Malaya

Presentation-2 : Dr. Ho Chi Dzung, Assistant to Chairman of BOD DeoCa Group

Presentation-3 : Dr. Kritinee Pongtanalert (Kate), Adjunct instructor, at Chulalongkorn Business School

Special Lecture: Prof. Shigeki Aoki (Professor, Faculty of Business and Administration, Department of Marketing Management, Komazawa University)


【パートII】 パネルディスカッション・Q&Aセッション

[Part-II Panel discussion and Q&A session]


・ Panel discussion based on Part-I’s five lectures. Q&A session with audiences would be followed before closing.


〔パネルディスカッションモデレーター〕県立広島大学大学院経営管理研究科 専攻長/教授 江戸 克栄 

[Panel Discussion moderator] Prof. Katsue Edo, Head of Department/ Professor, HBMS


マラヤ大学 ビジネス・経済学部 准教授 ファイナンス学科 ヌール・シャナーズ氏

デオカグループ取締役会長補佐 ホー・チー・ズン氏

チュラロンコン大学 チュラロンコンビジネススクール 非常勤講師 ポンタナラート・クリティニー(ケット)氏

株式会社虎屋本舗 代表取締役社長 高田 海道氏


Dr. Nurul Shahnaz Ahmad Mahdzan, Assoc. Prof., Department of Finance, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Malaya

Dr. Ho Chi Dzung, Assistant to Chairman of BOD DeoCa Group

Dr. Kritinee Pongtanalert (Kate), Adjunct instructor, at Chulalongkorn Business School

Mr. Kaido Takata,  President, TORAYAHONPO


(* Please kindly be noted that the program contents, order of the lectures, participants, and panelists might be changed without any pre-notice.)


登壇者略歴(Speaker's Biography)

●マラヤ大学 ビジネス・経済学部 ファイナンス学科 准教授 ヌール・シャナーズ氏
Dr. Nurul Shahnaz Ahmad Mahdzan, Assoc. Prof., Department of Finance, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Malaya


Dr. Nurul Shahnaz Ahmad Mahdzan is an Associate Professor at the Department of Finance, Faculty of Business & Economics, University of Malaya. She obtained her PhD in 2010 from the Nottingham University Business School, UK. Her research interests are consumer finance, behavioural finance, economic psychology and financial services. Her recent research projects involve how Malaysians were impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and how they coped to deal with financial stress. She is also currently researching how individuals use financial technology and how this affects financial well-being. She has also appeared in several national electronic and print media where her views on economic and financial issues have been sought. Prior to her career in academia, she worked in the banking and insurance industry for ten years, where she mainly dealt with customers and their finances.

●デオカグループ取締役会長補佐 ホー・チー・ズン氏
Dr. Ho Chi Dzung, Assistant to Chairman of BOD DeoCa Group


With a background as a lecturer and researcher for more than 20 years at the university, and in the last 6 years I have been working full-time at the enterprises. This gives me the opportunity to gain a deep understanding of the intricate dynamics between company culture, brand equity, and the challenges faced by Vietnamese SMEs in their pursuit of sustainable growth.

●チュラロンコン大学 チュラロンコンビジネススクール 非常勤講師 ポンタナラート・クリティニー(ケット)氏
Dr. Kritinee Pongtanalert (Kate), Adjunct instructor, at Chulalongkorn Business School


She earned a Ph.D in marketing from Kobe University, Japan. Her research interest is business philosophy and long-living companies. Kritinee is an author of ten books related with Japan such as "Sugoi Marketing" and "Rinen ...lesson from century-old Japanese companies"

●株式会社虎屋本舗 代表取締役社長 高田 海道氏
Mr. Kaido Takata, President, TORAYA HONPO

株式会社虎屋本舗は2020年に創業400年を迎える和菓子屋である。同氏は十七代目当主として江戸より続く商人道十訓を基に、地域社会との共存繁栄を志としている。天皇陛下献上御喜納菓“虎焼”“とんど饅頭”などの銘菓から、“はっさく大福”や“てまりすし(全国お土産GP受賞)”など和洋問わず拵えるお菓子は多岐に渡る。2019年にJAPAN ADGs AWARDを受賞。伝えたいのはお菓子づくりを通じた、日本文化の革新と継承である。
After obtaining B.A. degree of Politics and Economics at Waseda University and experiencing several careers in real estate industry and parliamentary secretary, joined in TORAYA HONPO (Headquarters: Fukuyama city, Hiroshima pref.) in order to take over his family business in 2013. Appointed as president since 2021. TORAYA HONPO is a Japanese confectionery manufacturer & shop that celebrated its 400th anniversary in 2020, located in Fukuyama city, Hiroshima prefecture.
As the 17th generation head of the company, we aim to coexist and prosper with the local community, based on the ten business lessons that have been passed down since Edo era in Japan. There is a wide variety of Japanese and Western sweets, from famous confections such as "Tora-yaki" and "Tondo Manju," the sweets presented to the Emperor, to "Hassaku Daifuku" and "Temari Sushi" (National Souvenir Grand Prize winner). Received the JAPAN SDGs AWARD in 2019. What we want to convey is the innovation and inheritance of Japanese culture through sweets making.

●青木 茂樹(あおき しげき) 駒澤大学経営学部市場戦略学科教授 サステナブル・ブランド国際会議 アカデミック・プロデューサー
慶應義塾大学商学部卒業、慶應義塾大学大学院商学研究科博士課程単位取得。University of Southern California Marshall School 客員研究員。

Shigeki Aoki Professor, Department of Market Strategy, Faculty of Business Administration, Komazawa University, Academic Producer, International Conference on Sustainable Brands
Graduated from the Keio University Faculty of Commerce and obtained doctoral course credits from the Keio University Graduate School of Commerce. He is a research fellow at the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business. He served as a professor at the Faculty of Modern Business at Yamanashi Gakuin University and, in 2008, became a professor at the Department of Market Strategy at the Faculty of Business Administration at Komazawa University.
He has served as a member of the Yamanashi Prefecture Industrial Promotion Vision Formulation Committee and the Yamanashi Prefecture New City Development Committee. He serves as the leader of the Sustainable Marketing Study Group of the Japan Marketing Association. He is currently a visiting researcher at Aalborg University in Denmark.

パネルディスカッション・モデレーターご紹介(Moderator for the panel discussion)

●江戸 克栄 (県立広島大学大学院経営管理研究科(HBMS) 専攻長/教授)
東京生まれ。慶應義塾大学大学院商学研究科商学専攻後期博士課程単位取得後退学の後、文化学園大学教授などを経て、2016年県立広島大学へ着任し、HBMS専攻長に。専門分野「マーケティング、マーケティングリサーチ、消費者行動」の司式と実績を活かし、地域ブランディングなど地域活性化のための研究に取り組む。2018年マーケティングの手法を応用して実践的な防災システムを開発する「防災社会システム・デザイン プロジェクト研究センター」を設立。その他、この十年来は画像をリサーチに活かす「ピクチャマイニング」の研究にも従事する。

●Katsue Edo, Head of Department/Professor, HBMS, Prefectural University of Hiroshima
Born in Tokyo, EDO "Cats" Katsue completed a Doctoral Program in the Commerce Program, Graduate School of Business and Commerce, Keio University, to take up a professorship at Bunka Gakuen University. In 2016, he took a position at the Prefectural University of Hiroshima to become the Head of Department, Hiroshima Business and Management School(HBMS), where he has tapped into his expertise in marketing and marketing research to study strategies to revitalize local economies. In 2018, Edo applied marketing approaches to advocate "disaster management marketing" for developing a disaster management system. Another research topic he has worked on over the last decade is picture mining, an attempt to utilize images for research.


●県立広島大学大学院経営管理研究科(HBMS) 講師 礒貝日月氏
Mr. Hizuki Isogai, Lecturer at Prefectural University of Hiroshima Graduate School of Business Administration (HBMS)


After working as a president director of an academic publishing company, he has been in his current position since April 2021. He has worked as a producer of the book "Asahi Eco Books" on environmental issues, which is a collaborative project with Asahi Group Holdings, Ltd.
His research interest is the management of SMEs and small businesses with anthropological intelligence. In addition, based on his experience in fieldwork in the Arctic Canada, he has been involved in educational activities such as lectures and fieldwork design and guidance at universities.


県立広島大学 HBMSマネジメント課
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